Loving Dad

Started this blog to vent my pent up feeling which still sobs in solitary confinement remembering my dearest daddy.Mr.Walter Robert Jeyapaul, who had great dreams for me. Washing his grave with my tears,I try to adorn it with royal achievements.Catch a glimpse of "My Eyes are Glistening"

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Daddy's 56th Bday today.

A look into his diary shows me verses from the Bible that speaks of longlife. The notepad that He'd used last carries the Message of Dr.Paul Dhinakaran thro TV that speaks about long life.

Miss u dad so much. U were so full of happiness for the Sandals that I got for your last B'day-It was worth just Rs.110.But you kissed me so much for that petty gift.I preferred not buying a shirt for myself, but took the help of a friend called HariPriya who showed me the way to Jayanagar 4th Block where I got you that shirt for your Bday in 2004. You preferred wearing that above all stock and collection of Safaris and shirts. Oh how much you loved me.

What will I buy for you today? I try running out of myself to peep outside my office in the 7th Floor.There is a mild drizzle and in my heart there is a mighty downpour of tear drops.

Oh, you never saw anything good in life. What happened to the hours of prayer at the feet of God? Where did all those precious promises from the BIBLE go? Oh, people got healing when you prayed.But God added sickness upon sickness upon that broken body and mind of yours.

I tried asking God to show you in one of those visions given to me by grace. I saw Angels.They said nothing. I felt God's presence. I couldn't understand what He said about your whereabouts.I saw you in your photo. U were still smiling unaware that your wife and children were crying for you to comeback.

Thank you dad for bringing me up in regular dosages of love. You had no bank balance or any treasure, but yet Walter Robert Jeyapaul's WEALTHY LOVE far exceeds the wealth of Bill Gates+Richard Branson+ Sam Walton+Rock Feller+ all those trillionaires that Forbes could ever list.

I wish I had been wealthy enough to embalm your body and kiss it daily. I will not die before becoming the one that you wanted me to be. I PROMISE AND TAKE THIS OATH ON THE LORD WHOM I BELIEVE. WHOM YOU TAUGHT ME TO BELIEVE WHILE YOU WERE ALIVE!

Am I washing your grave with my tears? Prefer that it would seep through the cement and penetrate the coffin and wash your face too.

I'm really sorry that I'm giving you the bitter taste of my tears this Birthday

Your Ever Loving Son