Loving Dad

Started this blog to vent my pent up feeling which still sobs in solitary confinement remembering my dearest daddy.Mr.Walter Robert Jeyapaul, who had great dreams for me. Washing his grave with my tears,I try to adorn it with royal achievements.Catch a glimpse of "My Eyes are Glistening"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Birthday without Dad's Kiss

The sea seems to teach me more lessons nowadays.Iam a Kindergarten student of the School called BEACH!

March 6th, the end of days....of my past year and I was entering a new Year.Cool sands.A whole view of the moon that was reflected by the small bumpy waves across the horizon.The white frothy sea that was playing games like POLICE-THIEF, like the kind I used to play as a child..............they chased each other and then returned to the sea again.Crabs coming out of their holes and being washed clean by the waves.....................

I was trying to count the grains of sand.eh? Yes and I couldn't count them anymore than those miracles that I had accumulated down the years.

Don't know how I ever lived beyond the 11th month when I was closer to death for 3 days......how God stretched me beyond my 12th year when I was closer to death again....................how I ever lived after 1998 when rowdies had surrounded me with deadly weapons to wipe me out............40+ of them. me in the middle and still none was able to even touch me.40+:1 and I was alive (I saw them all wiped out of that place in just 2 weeks).......................should I call this the CLOUDY PILLAR AND FIERY PILLAR of GOD's grace surrounding me 24/7 and 365 days

How did I live after those innumerable accidents...oh after that Lorry that ran right into the bus and was on top of me.........when I woke up and gathered the walk-man and saw glass pieces all over me and walked out of the bus.The crowd saw me as a walking miracle.

He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions." (Daniel 6:27)

Again when another bus came right into the fifth row of seats and left another shower of glasses on my head and body.The glass was CUT..........IT COULDN'T CUT ANY BIT OF EVEN MY HAIR...................hey devil I'm invincible

Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them,
(Exodus 14:19)

Those willful stunts and hair-raising bike/car stunts that I have done and the single-handed handling of rowdies as a 18 year old and how God helped me crush them.....(with no fear I walk right into their den and say,"YOU TRY MESSING WITH ME AND YOU ARE GONE" 35 of them and armed with deadly weapons and heavily drunk-all of 'em....... and then I take my scooter and chase them all.I SCARED THE HELL OUT OF THOSE ROWDIES WHO HAD 20+ MURDER cases in their name......................oh I love it all (U can only do that if you STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT NO HARM CAN BEFALL YOU IF GOD IS IN CONTROL.........and HE IS IN TOTAL CONTROL)

He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions." (Daniel 6:27)

The High-Tide that occurs only when it sees the moon...................Seems like the sea knows it that its ebb and flow depends on the Moon................................ though the Sun comes there in the morning with a brightness that is million times more powerful that than the midnight Moon, it can never make the sea to produce the HIGH and LOW tides that launches the ships.

God, do u still want me alive........................ya I feel, to comfort someone who has lost the last bit of vision to see the ray of HOPE called LOVE.

God, bless me so that I can be a HANKY in your hand to wipe someone's tears......................

The Ice Cream cart pulled by...........as I discarded the second stick of Mango Duet Ice cream the Moonlight winked at my watch.....it showed 7th March:12:01am

The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
(Psalm 90:10)

And I saw another day..............without fanfare...without kisses from my Daddy on my Birthday..............another year which saw so many of my friends who kept me at bay.............another year...............peering into the dark sea that is dimly lit with the glittering glimpses of a full moon that tries to hide itself behind those constantly passing traffic of clouds.


At Sunday, March 11, 2007 12:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday !!!

"Death is one thing that happens to everyone for sure...so beat it, by making every moment (of your life) a memorable one..."

At Monday, November 10, 2008 9:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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